Iceditch Command Reference

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Parameter: log

target log [(msg|message) <message>] <qualifiers>
After most keywords, a "log" parameter can be added (see below). If the "log" parameter is followed by "msg" (or "message"), then the parameter following "msg" is read and used as log-prefix. The parameter is not allowed to have whitespace (that limitation is Iceditch-specific, not IPtables-related), and the maximum length of the log-prefix is determined by your version of netfilter/IPtables and your IPtables logging utility (syslogemu or ulog); this limit is usually some 29 characters. Note that Iceditch does not perform any sanity checks on the message.

Thus a packet matching the rule will be logged with the default setting of the "log" target.

If the "log" parameter is not followed by "msg", then the packet will be logged with a default log message, being "<table>_<chain>_<target>" and all the other default setting of the "log" target. Thus, should you want to log a packet with more control over the logging parameters, then you need an extra line, beginning with the target keyword "log", instead of just following the target keyword with parameter log. For more information, see the target keyword "log" below.

Context keyword: context

context <chain> <table>
Every IPtables rule is written to a chain in a table; with Iceditch, you don't have to specify the chain and table in every line. Just precede the lines with the context statement. Example:

context POSTROUTING nat

Notes: the order of chain and table does not matter; context nat POSTROUTING works just as well. Furthermore, <chain> and <table> have been made case-insensitive; whatever you specify as chain will be translated to uppercase, whatever you specify as table will be translated to lowercase. This gives you the possibility to write the context as you like to read it, e.g. context Postrouting Nat; after processing this, Iceditch will have two variables $CHAIN="POSTROUTING" and $TABLE="nat" that it will use in every following command. For example:

context "Input" "fIlTeR"
accept -p tcp --dport 22

will result in the following IPtables call:

iptables -A INPUT -t filter -p tcp --dport 22 --jump ACCEPT

If you do NOT specify a valid combination of chain and table, the execution of Iceditch will halt with a fatal error. It is allowed (but not recommended) to call context multiple times for the same combination of chain and table; the order in which the rules are added to that chain in that table, is the same in which they appear in your rulefile, top to bottom. This is not recommended, because we feel it decreases readability, and thus maintainability, of the rules file. But hey, it's going to be your rulefile anyway...

Context keyword: create_chain

create_chain <chain> [<table>]
This command creates a new chain named <chain>, in the specified table <table>. If no table is specified, then the filter table is assumed. Just as with the context command, the <chain> name you specify will be translated to all uppercase.
The name for your new chain must be unique, although just like the built-in chains, you can specify the same name in different tables. If you create "fun-filter" in table filter, and then create a "fun-filter" in table nat, then you actually have two different chains. But remember: since Iceditch translates every chain name to uppercase, you can't create "Fun-filter" AND "fun-FILTER" in the same table - they're the same chain.
NOTE: after you've run create_chain, you still have to switch context to create rules in the new chain! example:

create_chain fun-filter
context fun-filter filter
accept -p tcp --dport 22

This will result in

iptables -N FUN-FILTER -t filter 
iptables -A FUN-FILTER -t filter -p tcp --dport 22 --jump ACCEPT

Target keyword: accept

accept [log [msg <message>]] <qualifiers>
If a network packet matches the qualifiers, then it will be accepted (passed) through the table/chain defined in the context where you put the accept rule. Example:

context "INPUT" "filter"
accept –p tcp --dport 22

Iceditch works this out to

 iptables –t filter –A INPUT –p tcp –-dport 22 –-jump ACCEPT

Should you want to log the packet, you’d use

 context "INPUT" "filter"
 accept log –p tcp --dport 22

Iceditch works this out to

 iptables –t filter –A INPUT –p tcp –-dport 22 \
   –-jump LOG --log-prefix INPUT_accept 
 iptables –t filter –A INPUT –p tcp –-dport 22 –-jump ACCEPT

Note: the ACCEPT target is valid in any user-manipulable table/chain combination

Target keyword: classify

classify <classval> [log [msg <message>]] <qualifiers>
If a packet travelling through the mangle table in the POSTROUTING chain matches the qualifiers, then it will be classified with the <classval> specified. An example:

  classify 2:11 –p tcp --dport 22

The script works this out to

  iptables –t mangle –A POSTROUTING –p tcp –-dport 22 –-jump CLASSIFY --setclass 2:11

Should you want to also log the packet, you’d use

 classify 2:11 log –p tcp --dport 22

The script works this out to

  iptables –t mangle –A POSTROUTING –p tcp –-dport 22 –-jump LOG \
     --log-prefix classified_2:11:
  iptables –t mangle –A POSTROUTING –p tcp –-dport 22 –-jump CLASSIFY \
     --setclass 2:11

Should you not give a msg, then the log-prefix becomes POSTROUTING_CLASSIFY_set_<classval>. Because of how iptables handles the CLASSIFY target, you can only use it in contexts where the chain is “POSTROUTING” and the table is “mangle”.

Target keyword: dnat

dnat [to] <a1[-a2][:p1[-p2]]> [log [msg <message>]] <qualifiers>
In the above, a1 and a2 are used to specify a (range of) IP address(es); for TCP and UDP protocols, a destination port or port range can be provided. Note that the "to" in the command is optional, and serves only readability.
If a packet matches the qualifiers, then it will be destination-NATted to the provided IP address or address range. For example, if you want to DNAT port 81 on your external interface eth1 to an internal webserver on, you could use

context "PREROUTING" "nat"
dnat to –p tcp –i eth1 –-dport 81

If you give a range of IP addresses, then the DNAT logic of IPtables will randomly pick an address and DNAT the packet there. However, note that a single stream will always use the same IP address from that range, and that each stream will randomly be given an IP address that it will always be destined for, within that stream.
Furthermore, note that the DNAT target is only available within the PREROUTING and OUTPUT chains in the nat table, and any of the chains called upon from any of those listed chains. Note that chains containing DNAT targets may not be used from any other chains, such as the POSTROUTING chain. However, the bad news is that Iceditch currently does not know how to check for the latter case, so the dnat keyword only works from contexts "PREROUTING" "nat" and "OUTPUT" "nat".

Target keyword: drop

drop [log [msg <message>]] <qualifiers>
In essence, this does the same as the “accept” target keyword, only it jumps to DROP instead of ACCEPT. Thus any packet matching the qualifiers gets discarded; it will not get sent on to its final destination (or next hop), it will not get processed by any other firewall rule, and the sender of the packet is unaware of your treatment of his packet. Should you want to also log the packet, you’d use

context "FORWARD" "filter"
drop log –p tcp -s

The script works this out to

  iptables –t filter –A FORWARD –p tcp -s –-jump LOG \
     --log-prefix FORWARD_DROP:
  iptables –t filter –A FORWARD –p tcp -s –-jump DROP

However, be advised that using DROP may leave dead sockets on either the sending or receiving host. If you do not wish that, you might be better of using REJECT. On the other hand, dropping packets is a nice way of appearing like a black hole, so it's the weapon of choice against port scanners and the likes.
The DROP target can be used in any chain in any table.

Target keyword: log

log [(msg|message) <message>] [(lvl|level) <loglevel>] <qualifiers>
Sometimes, the standard log parameter is just not enough. This can be the case when you want to log a packet to a log-level other than the default level, which for most systems is 4 (warning). Furthermore, maybe you want to log a certain type or class of packets, without performing an action on those packets just yet. For this reason, AND for flexibility and clarity, Iceditch has the dedicated target keyword log.
Just as when you use the log parameter after another target, Iceditch will call the log target specified in the Iceditch config file. Standard this is LOG, but optionally you could specify ULOG in the config file. <message> can be any string of 32 characters max (letters, numbers and underscores; no spaces); the <loglevel> can either be numeric or the corresponding keyword (e.g. crit); Iceditch translates it to its numeric value anyway. Furthermore, the order in which <msg> and <lvl> appear is not important.
Depending on which log target you have specified, there are some options you can use with the Iceditch target keyword log; it is currently deemed unnecessary to make specific Iceditch parameters for them, but as a reference we'll list the official IPtables options here, which you can put in the <qualifiers> list:

LOG options ULOG options
Option Description Option Description
--log-ip-options Makes Netfilter include the IP options in the log entry --ulog-cprange <size> log the first size bytes of each packet
--log-tcp-options Makes Netfilter include the TCP options in the log entry --ulog-nlgroup <nlgroup> Log to Netlink group number nlgroup (must match /etc/ulogd.conf)
--log-tcp-sequence Makes Netfilter include the TCP sequence number in the log entry --ulog-qthreshold <value> Queue value packets before sending them to ulogd (default = 1, max = 50)

For completeness, we here reproduce the list of logging levels that log understands:

Level Description
0 emerg or panic
1 alert
2 crit
3 err
4 warn (default)
5 notice
6 info
7 debug

Now an example:

context "INPUT" "filter"
log lvl info msg SSH_incoming -p tcp --dport 22 -i $inetIF

Iceditch works this out into

iptables -A INPUT -t filter -p tcp --dport 22 -i $inetIF --jump ULOG --ulog-prefix "SSH_incoming"  --log-level 6

Target keyword: mark

mark <markval> [log [msg <message>]] <qualifiers>
If a packet matches the qualifiers, then it will be marked with the <markval> specified. An example from the context “PREROUTING” “mangle”:

mark 2 –p tcp --dport 22

Iceditch works this out to

iptables –t mangle –A PREROUTING –p tcp –-dport 22 –-jump MARK --setmark 2

Should you want to also log the packet, you’d use

 mark 2 log –p tcp --dport 22

Iceditch works this out to

 iptables –t mangle –A PREROUTING –p tcp –-dport 22 –-jump LOG \
    --log-prefix PREROUTING_MARK_set_2:
 iptables –t mangle –A PREROUTING –p tcp –-dport 22 –-jump MARK --setmark 2

Because of how iptables handles the MARK target, you can only use it in contexts where the table is “mangle”.

Target keyword: masquerade

masquerade <iface> [to <p1[-p2]>] [log [msg <message>]] <qualifiers> <iface> is the outward facing network interface that we should be masquerading.
The MASQUERADE target is used basically the same as the SNAT target, but it does not require any --to-source option. The reason for this is that the MASQUERADE target was made to work with connections which get dynamic IP addresses when connecting to the network in question, for example dial-up connections, or DHCP connections. This means that you should only use the MASQUERADE target with dynamically assigned IP connections, which we don't know the actual IP address of in advance. If you have a static IP connection, you should instead use the SNAT target.
When you masquerade a connection, it means that we set the IP address used on a specific network interface, instead of getting it from the --to-source option. The necessary IP address is automatically grabbed from the information about the specific interface. Using the masquerade keyword also has the advantage that connections are forgotten when an interface goes down, which is extremely good if we, for example, kill a specific interface. If we would have used the SNAT target, we may have been left with a lot of old connection tracking data, which would be kept in connection tracking memory for days. forgetting about connections is, in general, the correct behavior when dealing with dial-up lines that are probably assigned a different IP every time they are brought up. In case we are assigned a different IP, the connection is lost anyways, and it is more or less idiotic to keep the entry around.
It is still possible to use the MASQUERADE target instead of SNAT even though you do have a static IP; however, it is not favorable since it will add extra overhead, and there may be inconsistencies in the future which will thwart your existing scripts and render them "unusable".
Note that the MASQUERADE target is only valid within the POSTROUTING chain in the nat table, just as the SNAT target. The MASQUERADE target takes one option specified below, which is optional.

Target keyword: redirect

redirect [to <to-ports>] [log [msg <message>]] <qualifiers>
If a packet matches the qualifiers, then it will be redirected to the local machine, by setting the destination IP to a fitting IP address of the local machine (i.e., or the first-bound IP address of the interface over which it came in. Additionally, by specifying “to <to-ports>” you can have the destination ports redirected to a port or portrange. <to-ports> can either be a port number (e.g. 8080) or a port range (e.g. 6661-6669; the latter is inclusive). Example for a transparent HTTP proxy:

context "OUTPUT" "nat"
redirect to 8080 –p tcp --dport 80

Iceditch works this out to

 iptables –t nat –A OUTPUT –p tcp –-dport 80 –-jump REDIRECT –to-ports 8080

Should you want to log the packet, you could use

 redirect to 8080 log –p tcp --dport 80

Iceditch works this out to

 iptables –t nat –A OUTPUT –p tcp –-dport 80 –-jump LOG \
    --log-prefix OUTPUT_REDIRECT_to_8080:
 iptables –t nat –A OUTPUT –p tcp –-dport 80 –-jump REDIRECT –-to-ports 8080

Because of how iptables handles the REDIRECT target, you can only use it in contexts where the table is “nat” and the chain is PREROUTING or OUTPUT.

Target keyword: reject

reject [with <type>] [log [msg <message>]] <qualifiers>
In essence, this does the same as the “drop” target keyword, only it jumps to REJECT instead of DROP. This means the packet is discarded (just as with DROP), but the sender is notified using ICMP (by default, your machine will send an ICMP-packet of type "icmp-port-unreachable"). Because of how iptables handles the REJECT target, you can only use it in contexts where the table is “filter”. Optionally, you can follow “reject” with the keyword “with”, and then use one of the following rejection types:

Type Description
icmp-host-prohibited will send an ICMP-message "host prohibited"
icmp-host-unreachable will send an ICMP-message "host unreachable"
icmp-net-prohibited will send an ICMP-message "net prohibited"
icmp-net-unreachable will send an ICMP-message "net unreachable"
icmp-port-unreachable DEFAULT; will send an ICMP-message "port unreachable"
icmp-proto-unreachable DEFAULT; will send an ICMP-message "protocol unreachable"
tcp-reset will send a TCP reset, a packet with the RST flag set (as a response to a TCP packet only)
host-prohib synonymous to icmp-host-prohibited
host-unreach synonymous to icmp-host-unreachable
net-prohib synonymous to icmp-net-prohibited
net-unreach synonymous to icmp-net-unreachable
port-unreach synonymous to icmp-port-unreachable
proto-unreach synonymous to icmp-proto-unreachable

If you don’t specify “with <type>”, then netfilter will assume icmp-port-unreachable. Thus, should you want to reject a packet in context filter_INPUT (and log it) with reason net-prohib, you’d use

 reject with net-prohib log –p tcp –i eth0 --dport 22

Iceditch works this out to

 iptables –t filter –A INPUT –p tcp –i eth0 –-dport 22 –-jump LOG \
   --log-prefix INPUT_REJECT_with_net-prohib:
 iptables –t filter –A INPUT –p tcp –i eth0 –-dport 22 \
   –-jump REJECT –-reject-with net-prohib –p tcp –i eth0 –-dport 22

Target keyword: snat

snat [to <a1[-a2][:p1-p2]]> [to <a3[-a4][:p3-p4]]>] ] [log [msg <message>] ] <qualifiers>
This keyword is only valid in the chain POSTROUTING, table nat. And ofcourse, source NATting does you little good if you haven't enabled forwarding (e.g. use this machine as a router for other machines on your network).
Calling snat with the right parameters will create a Source NATting rule for you, whereby a packet matching the qualifiers will be source NATted using the source IP address a1 (or the range a1-a2). Ofcourse, a1[-a2] should be valid IP address(es) of the firewalling machine.
Furthermore, if a port range p1-p2 is specified, then you'll limit the range of ports that snat will use outbound (only valid for TCP or UDP packets).
Finally, it is possible to specify multiple IP address ranges and port ranges, using multiple to <a1[-a2][:p1-p2]] declarations in succession.
An example would be:

context "POSTROUTING" "nat"
snat to $inetIP -o $inetIF ! --src $inetIP

If the variable $inetIP contains your public IP (e.g., and $inetIF your interface connected to the Internet (e.g. eth0), then this rule would expand to

iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -o eth0 ! --src -j SNAT --to-source

This would cause Iceditch to source NAT any outbound packet that is NOT sent by your firewall itself; in effect your server is now a nice fullblown NAT router for all machines on your private network.